Our team is always refining Narrative BI to make it easy and fun to use. In the past few months, we’ve introduced many updates to drive collaboration and help you automate marketing insights: now you can easily upgrade to one of our premium plans, invite more people to your team and add more data sources, including Facebook Ads and Google Ads.
With all these exciting updates, we wanted to give you more control over your feed and reports and just released multiple new features. Check out the list below for all the latest changes.
To drive collaboration in your team and give you more control over your account, we introduced three new roles:
Check out our new settings experience and invite your team!
You may have noticed a monthly report from Narrative BI a few weeks ago in your inbox. Monthly reports are now enabled by default, but you can always change the frequency of your reports in settings and enable daily and weekly reports as well!
More importantly, you can now customize your reports by changing the priorities of your metrics. And now you can ’mute' metrics that don't impact your business! To explore this new capability, go to your objectives and click Additional Settings.
With Narrative BI, you can get an instant update on significant changes in your marketing and advertising data without ever leaving Slack. You don't have to log in and out of multiple tools because source names are now visible in Slack notifications. You will love our new rich message layouts – connect your Slack account if you haven't already!