At Narrative BI, we're always striving to bring you the most innovative solutions to help you better understand your marketing and advertising data. That's why we're excited to announce the addition of AI recommendations, Custom Data, and other additions to our platform.
ChatGPT was introduced in November 2022 and generated a buzz in the community.
By leveraging the power of GPT-3 and our own proprietary data, we've developed a new feature that delivers insightful, AI-driven recommendations to our Pro and Growth customers. These recommendations will provide you with the information you need to take immediate action on each narrative or alert, helping you stay on top of your data and make informed decisions.
We invite you to try out our AI recommendations for yourself. Simply upgrade to Narrative BI Pro or Growth and take advantage of this powerful new feature for free for 7 days. We're confident that you'll find the insights and recommendations provided by our AI technology to be a valuable addition to your marketing and advertising toolkit.
Another exciting update is beautiful, improved visualizations. With a focus on clarity and simplicity, our new visualizations make it easier for you to understand and act on your data insights. To check our new visualizations, open any narrative in your feed.
We noticed that many of our users are adding custom metrics and dimensions to Google Analytics. After talking to our users we understood how important custom dimensions like Audience, Company Name, or Industry can be for you.
With this in mind, we recently added a new feature, Custom Data. This feature allows you to track custom dimensions from GA4, giving you a more granular view of your website's performance and allowing you to make informed decisions based on your unique business requirements and goals.