Google Ads

Conversion Value

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Conversion Value is the total monetary value generated by conversions through your Google Ads campaigns, based on the value assigned to each desired action.

Google Ads Conversion Value

With Narrative BI you can track all your metrics from various data sources in one place. Start tracking Google Ads Conversion Value today.

Conversion Value Meaning

What is Conversion Value?

Conversion Value in Google Ads represents the total monetary value attributed to conversions achieved through your advertising campaigns. This metric is essential for understanding the financial impact of your ads beyond mere conversion counts, assessing not just how many conversions occurred but also their economic worth. This value is typically assigned based on the revenue generated from a conversion, such as a sale, or a projected value of a lead based on historical data. Advertisers can set different values for different types of conversions according to their business goals and the potential lifetime value of a customer. By tracking Conversion Value, advertisers can calculate the Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) and better understand which ads, keywords, or campaigns are generating the most profitable results. This helps in optimizing ad spend towards the most financially rewarding avenues, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of the marketing efforts.

Google Ads Conversion Value

Conversion Value Tracking

Narrative BI is a generative analytics platform that allows you to track your key metrics from multiple data sources in one platform. To track Conversion Value using Narrative BI, follow these steps:

Target Conversion Value: 2024 Benchmark

Average Google Ads Conversion Value

What is a good Conversion Value for Google Ads?

The average Google Ads Conversion Value depends on industry, geography, and campaign strategy.

The average Conversion Value in Google Ads across all industries is .

* Data is calculated for the the United States-located accounts only.

Conversion Value Example

A fashion retailer runs a Google Ads campaign that results in $15,000 in sales from conversions.

Conversion Value = Total Revenue from Conversions
Conversion Value = $15,000

This means the total conversion value is $15,000, indicating the revenue generated from the campaign.

Conversion Value vs

Conversion Value specifically measures the total monetary value generated by conversions through your Google Ads campaigns, based on the value assigned to each desired action.

On the other hand, measures

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